Stylin’ Saturday

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Added by December 24, 2011

”My favourite country…is France”
Out of context, it’s a nutty Angle interview. In context, it’s even better. WWE was trying to push John Cena as the face (stop me if you’ve heard this before) but the crowd insisted upon cheering for Kurt Angle, even when Angle turned Super-Duper Evil and brought in Davari as his manager the crowd refused to boo Angle. This happened a lot from 2003 onwards for Angle, to the point where some crowds refused to cheer EDDIE GUERRERO over Angle. It wasn’t always for LOL SCREW WHAT WWE WANTS reasons either…Angle was the same as Orton is today: He was just too bad ass by comparison to the majority of the roster that the crowd refused to boo him.
Anyway, let’s remember the good ol’ days (of 2006?) and imagine what an Angle vs. JEEEESSSUUS match would have been like.
