Botchamania reference in King of Fighters XIII

Like This Video 3038 maffew
Added by January 26, 2012

HOLY SHIT. The sinister laugh used for Japanese Table is Iori’s (the character in question). This combined with the fact that the line was changed from the Arcade release makes me think I’m not seeing things.

Edit: I received an e-mail from the nice people at Atlus USA who had this to say:

Hi Maffew,

No, that was not a direct reference to Botchamania. In fact, before you contacted us, none of the editors even knew such a website existed. If you play Iori enough, you’ll notice that he tells his opponents to shut up or stop talking very frequently, and there are only so many ways to phrase this. I hope that this information clarifies matters for you. Thank you for picking up KOF XIII and have a great day!

Bah! We put two and two together and got five. Oh well, never let it be said that I don’t admit my mistakes and/or faults. I could have easily typed ”Atlus told me they were big BM fans”, but that’s not me.

(Thanks to TheNotoriousMC2 and El Asian for the heads up anyway)