Wrestlemania Abridged (Part 2)

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Added by March 18, 2012

This was supposed to be one post made up of Wrestlemanias I-V, but my laptop crashed trying to load the page so I’ve split the pages up. RATHER LIKE WRESTLEMANIA IV AND V THEMSELVES! /snark

(I’ll be separating the categories via MatchesSegments and Crap. Because Crap is fun for some. And there’s plenty of it at Wrestlemania.  The following selections are my own opinion. Feel free to disagree or suggest your own lists.)

Wrestlemania IV


This will be shorter than Wrestlemania III, that’s for sure. Most of the wrestlers were bladdered, drugged or just plain tired at partying non-stop at the Trump Plaza.

Steamboat’s last WWF PPV match as Vince McMahon (allegedly) punishes Steamboat and the audience by robbing us of a Savage/Steamboat rematch because he’s VINCE MCMAHON, DAMMIT.

Demolition and Strike Force have one of the only matches that actually gets a crowd response.

And of course, Savage vs. DiBiase. Not just because of the match which is the highlight of the night but also because of the result and thee seeds being sown for next year’s Wrestlemania. Result!


Hogan’s during Wrestlemania I-III: Dramatic. Hogan during Wrestlemania IV-V: Insane.

And of course, the reason Bob Uecker is in the Hall of Fame.


Not just because of the awful ending but also watching Bigelow losing in 1988 when he should have been kicking arse and taking names instead. It’s sad to think the most one of my childhood favourites accomplished in the big leagues was ‘Lose to a football player’.

Warrior debuts against Hercules. Where’s that .jpg of the WHO BOOKED THIS CRAP sign?

Wrestlemania V


Another stupidly long Wrestlemania (rather like this article) that’s pretty entertaining if you only watch the good matches.

Mr. Wrestlemania’s first Wrestlemania appearance.  HBK and Marty spend most of the time making Boss Man and Akeem look good despite being wasted.

Perfect debuts his now-famous wrestling attire and takes on Owen Hart, so you know it’s good.

If I need to give you a reason to watch Arn Anderson, then get off my website.

Rick Rude brought out the best in the WARRIOR because he was tough enough to take WARRIOR’S stiff offence and give it back to him, so both men looked good in their matches.

Savage and Hogan is a worthy main event. All the way to the end, at least. After the big boot I tend to switch it off and pretend it ends like The Sopranos.





That took a lot longer than I thought but my loss is your gain. Agree? Disagree? Leave your comments and join me next time for Wrestlemanias VI-X! 


