
Like This Video 1950 maffew
Added by August 13, 2012

There’s a guy pretending to be a business interviewing wrestlers and putting teasers on YouTube. They’re apparently called NO-KAYFABEN (or HO-KAYFABEH as the sign behind Sandman reads) and judging by the trailers, they’re WORSE than RFVideo.

It’s almost frustrating to see the people who get the chance to interview guys like Sandman be guys whose only qualification for it be ”I’ve seen a lot of his matches.” Then I remember he’s probably paying him with his own money to sit in his living room and I feel better.

Interviewing is a skill that you can’t give to just anybody if you want a decent end result. And don’t even get me started on the framing of that shot…COMING SOON TO HO-KAYBEH, SANDMAN’S HEAD.