PWGaMania 2003

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Added by November 7, 2012

No company’s first year is their best. PWG 2003 at least had the benefit of hilarious commentary at the expense of the production and wrestlers. Jardi Frantz is probably best known for being laughed at by Excalibur & Disco Machine than anything else he ever did.

Speaking of which, thanks a lot to Excalibur for giving his blessings to this. His only complaint was the lack of Iori Laugh during the Super Dragon Duff Drop. Excalibur is one of the best commentators in the business right now, but back in 2003 he was really, really good at shitting on people. Most of which sadly couldn’t make it into the video if I wanted this project to see the light of day as PWG actually has quality control.

Edit-A-Wrestler by THQ (WWF Wrestlemania 2000)

If you get one show from 2003, get An Inch Longer Than Average because of Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk, Frankie Kazarian vs. Bryan Danielson and the ridiculous Joey Ryan vs. Super Dragon Guerrilla Warfare match.
