The Terminator (1991)

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Added by November 11, 2012

Just discovered this and deemed it postable.

Due to the game being programmed by a British studio (Probe Software), developed in PAL and *then* ported to NTSC, the game is superfast and insane due to the speed increase. God knows how that happened, but it makes for fun viewing. One of the comments on the video puts it best: ”Christ, forget the Terminator. Somebody save L.A. from Kyle Reese!!”

-image of Mega Drive case so something nice appears when I link this on the BM FB-

I never played it but watching it is already more fun than playing the never-ending T2: The Arcade Game. Obviously designed to make you pump money into the cabinet due to the length involved in killing anything big, the game is an exercise in futility on a console.

Ah well, there’s always Robocop vs. The Terminator.
