Wrestlecrap, Powerslam and Botchamania in 2013

Like This Video 1535 maffew
Added by January 13, 2013

I’ve recovered mostly from MAGFest, so here’s the State Of Address for 2013:

  • I am now part of the newly reformed Wrestlecrap.com. This is a huge compliment to me, as the new handler of the site has basically gathered all the ‘names’ in the Wrestling Humour scene to be part of the wonderful Elephant Graveyard known as Wrestlecrap. Here’s my humble introduction and I hope the fans of the site enjoy my work as much as I enjoy making it. Some stuff for the site will need to have swearing and blasphemy removed due to RD Reynolds (the boss)’s day job as a Sunday School Teacher, but I promise the uncensored FAKKIN JESUS versions will be viewable on here/YouTube.
  • My debut article for Powerslam Magazine was deemed ”a success” by the Excellent Editor Fin Martin, so I will be returning. Huzzah! Sadly I missed the deadline for the next issue due to my American Trip, but I will be returning in the next one.
  • MAGFest was even better than last year and still continues to be one of the highlights of the year for me. It’s always hard to explain the mood at the place, so I’ll go with the ham-fisted ”Woodstock with games” description.
  • The first panel went…terribly due to the 1am drunkenness,  lack of video-screen, screening via wallpapered wall and no music. Luckily the second one went way, way better and had the dignity of being filmed (the first panel saw the cameraman leaving and switching the camera off as he left before it even started).
  • The No Mercy tournament had all 32 possible slots filled, with many more waiting for a place in the tourny. We had to fill two tournaments up and have the winners face off against each other Champions Carnival style. X-Pac vs. Steve Austin was the Final Finals which wasn’t surprising as both have the fastest taunts and the ability to do their finisher three times. Austin won with two Stunners and an X-Factor. A copy of Kayfabe Commentaries’ New Jack YouShoot was the prize for winning…but the guy left before he could receive it or before we could remember his name. Huh.
  • A montage of moments I filmed will be up soon. Along with the new (now old) Botchamania.
  • I’m back in Blighty now, so now I have the 67  Kickstarter pledges to fulfil. These fall into three categories: Thanking people, music choices and advertising. The first one will be easy as people had to leave a name when they gave money but not everyone who donated money left any details for the others. So if you left money, please e-mail me, leave a comment at the bottom of this or send a tweet so I can fulfil these in a way that’s easiest for both you and me. A Maffew always pays his debts. Unless it’s a student loan.
  •  Thanks again to everyone who donated!
  • Well, it’s 2013 and we’re not dead. Botchamania the video series will be continuing, along with my new WrestleMemories idea appearing infrequently, CZWaMania 2012 (natch) and hopefully Listamania will start as soon as I get the video titles I need.  The 10 Worst Matches of 2012 will be the first video in that new series so Kris Lewie will be happy people are talking about him again.
  • My website looks like something from Geocities, but my goal this year is to make it look like something presentable in 2012. This will finally mean a Botchamania Archive, which I think I’ve ignored/put to one side for at least two years. I have no excuses now. I have someone doing the website stuff for me, which is just dandy. It’ll take time, but it will happen this year.
  • Thanks to everyone reading this who continues to make Botchamania a ‘thing’. If it was all down to me, Botchamania would have lasted maybe four videos.

Thanks to Fernando Silva, as always!
