Listamania: Fifty Fastest Rumble Eliminations

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Added by March 21, 2014

Tried uploading this on other video sites but it got quickly rejected. Can’t think why. I’ve signed up to Vimeo Plus which gives me longer video file-sizes and seems to work. For now.

Right, used the times from The History Of WWE website as opposed to Wikipedia. If you need to ask why, it’s because one’s a very trusted source for information and the other’s Wikipedia. So any differences/mistakes/Kayfabe, take it up with them.

List was originally going to be ”Everyone who lasted under a minute” but when I counted and realised there’s over ninety wrestlers who fit that criteria I thought ”fuck it” and did the quickest fifty, all of whom helpfully enough lasted under thirty seconds.

Wrestlers who never made it into the Rumble were left out (Scotty 2 Hotty, Spike Dudley, Fit Finlay etc.) for obvious reasons. Not obvious enough for me to not mention it, but nearly obvious none the less.

Here’s the list…

1. Santino (2009) 1 second
2. The Warlord (1989) 2 seconds
3. Owen Hart (1995) 3 seconds
4. Bushwhacker Luke (1991) 4 seconds
5. Mo (1995) 4 seconds
6. Jerry Lawler (1997) 5 seconds
7. The Godfather (2014) 5 seconds
8. MVP (2010) 6 seconds
9. Gillberg (1999) 7 seconds
10. The Miz (2007) 7 seconds
11. Tazz (2001) 10 seconds
12. Tom Brandi (1998) 11 seconds
13. Epico (2012) 11 seconds
14. Shawn Michaels (1990) 12 seconds
15. Bushwhacker Luke (1995) 12 seconds
16. The Sandman (2007) 13 seconds
17. Billy Gunn (1994) 14 seconds
18. Bob Backlund (1995) 14 seconds
19. Golga (1999) 14 seconds
20. The Goodfather (2001) 16 seconds
21. Jacob Blu (1995) 17 seconds
22. ‘Razor Ramon’ (1997) 17 seconds
23. Farooq (2000) 17 seconds
24. Sylvain Grenier (2006) 17 seconds
25. Booker T (2006) 17 seconds
26. The Miz (2007) 17 seconds
27. Shelton Benjamin (2008) 18 seconds
28. Bushwhacker Butch (1995) 19 seconds
29. The Hurricane (2004) 21 seconds
30. Simon Dean (2005) 21 seconds
31. Matt Hardy (2010) 21 seconds
32. JBL (2014) 21 seconds
33. Timothy Well (1995) 22 seconds
34. Squat Team #2 (1996) 23 seconds
35. Dolph Ziggler (2009) 23 seconds
36. Bradshaw (2000) 24 seconds
37. Great Khali (2014) 24 seconds
38. Terry Taylor (1993) 25 seconds
39. Bart Gunn (1997) 25 seconds
40. B2 (2003) 25 seconds
41. JTG (2010) 25 seconds
42. Santino Marella (2008) 26 seconds
43. The Brian Kendrick (2009) 26 seconds
44. Papa Shango (1993) 27 seconds
45. Gangrel (1999) 27 seconds
46. Jamie Noble (2008) 28 seconds
47. R-Truth (2014) 28 seconds
48. Yoshi Tatsu (2010) 29 seconds
49. Coachman (2006) 30 seconds
50. Chris Masters (2010) 30 seconds
