
Like This Video 7040 maffew
Added by March 18, 2015

(For some reason this was never posted on the site. Christ knows what that was about)

Three years in the making…

I always said I’d make this video, but only after the guy left. Well, the original Sin Cara (Mistico) officially departed WWE this year on March 26th. Looks like they’re keeping the gimmick so the time is right for the long-awaited SinCaraMania.

Amazing that the character was intended as a Mysterio replacement but despite a brief Bobby-Lashley-esque push, ended up in pre-recorded SmackDown land because he couldn’t be trusted to wrestle WWE-style. They must have forgotten Rey spent multiple years in WCW, getting used to working guys like Nash and Norton before WWE grabbed him. Rey also had MOTYC and feuds because he was against Angle, Edge, Jericho, Punk etc. Sin Cara feuded with Hunico for a bit, sort-of feuded with The Rhodes Scholars and got beat up by Del Rio every few weeks. Not quite the same, is it?

It didn’t help that everything that could go wrong did go wrong in his first year. Injuries, wellness policy violation, fucking up his entrance, bungling his debut and not being allowed on any live show is pretty much a full line on the Botch Bingo Card.

He’s still around in spirit (like Starscream after being blasted by Unicron) so let’s not rule out the possibility of a second video in 2017.

My Sacrifice by Creed
Sin Cara Theme by SHINING WIZADO
Pizza Theme by Spider-Man 2
Boss 1 by Fumito Tamayama (Tamachan) (Decap Attack)
Leave The Memories Alone by Fuel

Thanks To…
The miscellaneous creators of the Spider-Man as Sin Cara images. The names are lost to history, so if you made one and want a credit, message me.