The New Generation Project Podcast – Summerslam 1996

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Added by December 16, 2015

It’s time, it’s time, it’s…. Shawn Michaels time to change the match finish, apparently. In this episode of ‘The New Generation Project Podcast’ we take a look at “Summerslam 1996”, featuring Shawn Michaels vs Vader and The Undertaker vs Mankind in a Boiler Room Brawl!

Featuring; your suggestions for alternate nWo’s, Pauls Geordie accent, the Bikini Beach Blast-Off, our thoughts on Wrestlecon, Jacques Rougeau hijacks a Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels show, the 1993 WWF Champion faces the 1999 WWF Champion on the pre-show, Bob Holly paints a wall, we say ‘Goodbye’ to The Body Donnas, Mankind licks some pipe and someone eats a turd in a pool.

Plus the answers to the questions; What has Todd Pettengill done to Sunny’s bikini top? What is a Jeroboam? Are black and white colours? Who exactly is Herb Abrams and how did he die? What are The New Rockers wearing? What’s in Jerry Lawler’s bag? What is Mark Henry most concerned with? How are Ahmeds kidneys doing? And what time did Paul get up to watch this show?