Botchamania 298

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Added by January 18, 2016

The video series so unlucky that if it fell into a barrel full of nipples it would come out sucking it’s thumb. It’s Botchamania 298: The Kenny Omega Man!

Flowers of Antimony (The Explodatorium) by Manami Matsumae (Shovel Knight)
Spider Dance by Toby Fox (Undertale)
Anticipation by Toby Fox (Undertale)
Jungle Falls by David Wise (Diddy Kong Racing)

Thanks To…
Matt Kruger for the fabulous Hacksaw Jim Duggan intro
Dylan AKA Dylan who noticed Striker adding a few years to Omega’s career
Matt Ernst for suggesting something else for the Rainmaker’s entrance breaking and giving me the idea for The Simpsons LIGHTS OUT
Mannixxbella for the Orton talking footage
Nagy Benedek for SDS’ leapfrog
The Freebird for James Scott getting launched by a kid
Bad Boy Joey Janela for the Sabu match
lots of people (well three people) for El Vuelo Mas Incredible De La Lucha Librea
AMReese for Cameron being the number one women’s battle royal
David Bixenspan for the Cornette audio/video. I had to trim a lot out for reasons of time, the full version’s here
wrestlingarcade for Road Rash Mexamerica
Mordecai Vertecimes for MY NECK

The Hogan’s picture this time is from Santa With Muscles. I hope Vince forgives him as he doesn’t have that many film roles.

I enjoyed Wrestle Kingdom 10 but I’m glad half of Bullet Club’s going to WWE. Half the card involved interference! Less is more etc.

There was so many fucking botches in the week-and-a-half since the last video that some Raw stuff has to go in the next video. I mean fuck, three TNA shows in two weeks.

OH MY GOD that TNA Knockout Battle Royal. There were more bits that didn’t translate to watching on Botchamania like awkward pauses too, so if every other wrestling dies and you have only that one match to view, go read a book instead.