TNA Lockdown 2012: Top 5 Highlights

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Added by April 17, 2012

Lockdown in abridged form, because this is much more fun than typing a review out.

1. Ric Flair appears in cage. Escapes PPV without blading.

2. The main event

3. Garrett Bischoff trending on Twitter


5. Samoa Joe’s new haircut (Joe-Hawk?)

Honourable Mentions:
-Apparently there was a technical issue that caused EVERY THEATER in the US simulcasting the PPV to not work which forced TNA to give refunds to everyone who bought a ticket.
-The dead crowd.
-Hardy vs. One-Legged Angle was good.
-As was MCMG’s return. Even if they fucked their intro up (COMING SOON TO A BOTCHAMANIA NEAR YOU)
-The action in the opener was very satisfactory until the thrilling BISCH-OFF commenced.
-Eric Bischoff gone from TNA.
-Lone Loud Fan chanting for Taz during Robert Roode interview.
-Kazarian’s new haircut being greeted with ”You look stupid” chants from the audience.

And that was it. TNA has produced forgettable PPVs over the years but I hadn’t realised they’d turned Lockdown into a non-event too. No fault of the wrestlers though, I should point out. But if you’ve been following TNA for any length of time you’ll have heard it all before.
