The New Generation Project Podcast – In Your House 2

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Added by January 21, 2015

Jeff Jarrett gets an entire Pay-Per-View built around him including a live musical performance and a genuine match of the year contender and then immediately fucks off – is it any wonder Vince has a fear of rejection? Yes, it’s ‘In Your House 2’ in Episode 16 of ‘The New Generation Project Podcast’.

Featuring a discussion of our Top 5 favourite WWE themes, a 4 Flags on a pole match, Paul saying an emotional ‘Goodbye’ to Jimmy Del Ray, another bumbling Diesel promo and your suggestions for songs the WWE roster could potentially sing.

Also, find out the answers to the following questions; Is Todd Pettengill ageing? How stupid does Mo look? What’s in Henry Godwinn’s bucket? What does Vince McMahon have written on his ‘Word of the day’ toilet paper? And are Tekno Team 2000 really time travellers from the year 2000?

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