Maffew attacked by Rottweiler, Summerslam is good PPV

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Added by August 17, 2011

Guess who?

Summerslam in brief: Opener was really fast and fun, Mark Henry and Sheamus defied logic and reason and had a good match, Beth and Kelly then did the same (if if Beth’s new outfit makes her look like a cheap waitress), Barrett and Danielson also had a damn fine match and Christian and Orton had an entertaining match. Following on from their previous match, it ended logically too: Christian simply can’t beat Orton without outsmarting him. His plan to use Edge failed, so Orton annihilated him. It was like watching Loki vs. Thor. WWE hasn’t been that consistent since Canadian Stampede.

The main event was fine…up until the damn ending and WWE deciding to revert to NUMEROUS TITLE CHANGES by PEOPLE UNRELATED TO CURRENT STORYLINE.

Chris Jericho vs. Edge ends with…Swagger winning the title.

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Jack Swagger ends with… Kane winning the title.


It’s not a major hindrance to enjoying Raw, it’s just bad storytelling in what has been a very engrossing storyline. Especially considering how one of the wrestler’s whole spiel is ‘anti-Sports Entertainment’…and the main event ends Sports Entertainment style.

But I’m an optimist and even with a weak ending and a ton of adverts, Summerslam was a shit-hot PPV.

In other news, I was attacked by a Rottweiler on friday and had my feet butchered. I didn’t deem this news worthy enough of a single post on here so I waited until I watched Summerslam first. Botchamania will continue when I’m in the mood/stop bleeding. Dog bites can’t be stitched up due to the risk of infection, so I am bleeding out like a stuck tap until it’s ‘done’. Like Abby’s forehead.

I won’t go into too much info on here but there’s only so much stuff you should say regarding these things to people who don’t know you. But I should make a full recovery within a week or so.
