Snitsky & Heidenreich

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Added by March 4, 2014

This was supposed to be two separate videos, but neither go into too much detail about them so I just mixed them together. And added the theme from Oz.

I miss characters like Snitsky and Heidenreich. They did ridiculous things, but they always resulted in matches and feuds which is better than today’s OTT characters like Brodus Clay or Bad News Barrett who do ridiculous things…but with no feud or reasoning.

i.e. Barrett kicks Goldust and Cody Rhodes’ lego set backstage, resulting in…no match, no feud, nothing. Next segment.

I’ll take a baby-aborting, doll-kicking foot fetishist and an unfrozen Nazi MMA poet over characterless cunts like Kofi Kingston and Del Rio any day of the week.

Heidenreich and Snitsky were supposed to team together to wrestle Kane and Undertaker at Wrestlemania XXI. Sadly it didn’t happen because fuck wrestling.

I should do a ”Worst Matches that almost happened that I would have watched the fuck out of.” Like Rey Mysterio vs. Manny Pacquiao and CM Punk vs. Kevin Nash.
